Monday, 10 January 2011

Scarsdale Medical Diet Revealed

Scarsdale Medical Diet

Whether you want to shed some holiday weight or drop a few lbs before a special event the Scarsdale Medical Diet is the solution. The Diet is close to the Atkins diet as it is high protein low carb but as well as this has the advantage of including some complex carbs and even permits diet soft drinks. This is one of the reasons why the Scarsdale Medical Diet is becoming one of the increasingly used diets aboutnow.

Scarsdale Medical Diet

Why The Scarsdale Medical Diet Causes Weight Lose

This Diet achieves this by creating a chemical reaction in the body which is created by eating some foods. This chemical reaction in turn puts your bodies metabolism in overdrive and cuts body fat like there no tomorrow. You can nearly see the fat vanishing. The Diet does not only burn fat but has a further advantage of boosting your energy levels.

The Scarsdale Medical Diet Menu

Here is an example of a usual day:

Breakfast is nearly identical everyday and should containthese:-

* One half grapefruit.

* One slice of toasted protein bread with no jam etc.

* Any amount of black tea or coffee or as much as you like but do not add sugar etc.

Lunch varies everyday but take a look at a typicall day:

* Tuna or salmon salad.

* One slice of toasted protein bread.

* Black Tea/ Coffee as breakfast or Diet Soda.

Dinner also is different everyday however here's a usuall day:

* Fish or Shell Fish of any kind.

* Brussels Sprouts.

* Black Tea/Coffee as lunch or water.

As you can observe the Scarsdale Medical Diet menu is plentiful and does not seem much like a diet at all. Remember the reason is in the chemical reaction the specific foods achieve in your body so you can consume as much meats, vegetables and fruits along side each meal as you like.

The Scarsdale Medical Diet isone of a kind and really can achieve a weight loss of up to 20 pounds in less than 14 days.

Scarsdale Medical Diet

Click here to discover more about the Scarsdale Medical Diet